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Discover QGIS: Part 1 - Introduction to Geospatial Technology

by Kurt Menke

Book cover of Discover QGIS - Part1

PDF $9.99
104 pages
ISBN 978-0989421775
Published 2016-10-20

Get a great introduction to Geospatial Technology with Part 1 of Discover QGIS.

This book contains the first part of Discover QGIS and gives you a great introduction to geospatial technology.

The curriculum is based on a national standard--the U.S. Department of Labor's Geospatial Competency Model--a hierarchical model of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to work as a GIS professional in today's marketplace.

Originally written for QGIS v2.4, the material in this workbook has been updated for use with QGIS v2.14, Inkscape v0.91, and GRASS GIS v7.0.3. This is the most up-to-date version of the GeoAcademy curriculum. To aid in learning, all exercise data includes solution files.

Detailed Table of Contents


  1. Spatial Data Models
    • Explore and understand geospatial data models
    • Working with the QGIS Browser
    • Viewing geospatial data in QGIS Desktop
  2. Displaying Geospatial Data
    • Creating a map based on customer requirements
    • Adding and organizing map layers
    • Styling data layers
    • Composing a map deliverable
  3. Creating Geospatial Data
    • Creating a new shapefile
    • Transforming coordinate systems
    • Heads-up digitizing
  1. Understanding Remote Sensing and Analysis
    • Basics of using QGIS Desktop for image analysis
    • Display and inspection of image data
    • Unsupervised classification
  2. Basic Geospatial Analysis Techniques
    • Using spatial analysis to solve a problem
    • Obtaining needed data
    • Querying and extracting subsets of data
    • Working with coordinate reference systems
    • Dissolving boundaries
    • Buffering and clipping data
    • Preparing a map of results

For questions regarding this book, please contact: [email protected]

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Kurt is a passionate advocate for open source software, especially QGIS. He recent completed his 10th QGIS book and he can frequently be found speaking at FOSS4G and QGIS conferences.

Kurt was a professional archaeologist before returning to graduate school and earning a Masters of Science degree in Geography from the University of New Mexico in 2000. He now lives in Denmark where he works for Septima as a spatial analyst, data visualization expert and teacher.

In 2015 was elected as an OSGeo Charter Member.

Some titles he has authored include: Collecting Field Data with QGIS and Mergin Maps, Discover QGIS 3.x and QGIS for Hydrological Applications with Locate Press.

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